
Registration is now open, please follow the link to the Registration Form (but don't forget to read the information below carefully).


A reduced registration fee is available for students and for participants from developing countries (i.e., from countries listed HERE).

In addition, students are eligible to apply for an accommodation grant. Only a limited number of reduced fees and accommodation grants are available and this selection will be made by the Organizing Committee. If you would like to apply for any (or both) of them, please, send a CV, a recommendation letter, and a short statement describing your situation to the Conference email (, no later than April 1st, 2024. Acceptance of reduced fee/accommodation grant will be notified no later than April 12th.



Early registration (until April 20th)                       € 380

Late registration (from April 20th to June 1st)     € 430

Reduced registration (until April 20th)                 € 200


The registration fee covers lunches for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, coffee breaks and the conference dinner on Wednesday evening. 

Please note that the conference dinner is included in the registration fee; an extra ticket has to be bought only for accompanying persons who are not registered at the conference. 

For the registration process it is not relevant whether you intend to give a talk or not. If you would like to give a talk, please follow the instructions given in the Submissions menu.

Before making your travel plans, you may consider attending the European Congress of Mathematics, which will take place in Seville a few weeks after OPSFA (separate registration required, see the website